Thursday, May 5, 2011

{study update} term 2

Happy to report that I survived the first week back into term two!

We have new projects in each unit...some of I am really looking forward to!
  • interior styling - we get to style a lifestyle photoshoot for a mock interiors magazine spread!  The theme is "texture, colour and pattern"
  • interior solutions - we are changing the layout, and decorating the living areas of a getaway cottage in a national park.
  • 2d design - we are designing a vinyl wrap for a laptop
  • drafting - we are trying out axonometric drawings...I think the name says it all!!
  • soft furnishing and furniture - continuing with our window treatment project 
First step...research...need to investigate interior magazine articles and photoshoots,  look into national parks, take some photos...and some more photos, and try to get my head around the wire frame axonometric drawing!

discovered another blog today...Life in the Fun Lane by Holly of Whiteberry Reinvented ... love it!

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