Thursday, May 5, 2011

{design classics} george nelson lamps

Nelson bubble lamps, designed by George Nelson in 1947, a true design classic...
 love, love, love the Nelson saucer!

available in perth from Alti Lighting 
(just in case anyone wants to buy me a really expensive present!)

Here's a little information about the designer, George Nelson (via Alti Lighting)

George Nelson
'George Nelson was one of the pioneers of modernism, and his designs, which are still popular today epitomize the perfect balance between form and function. Born in 1908 in Hartford, CT, George Nelson was part of a generation of American architects whose abilities and virtues were limited by the economic restrictions of the Great Depression. George Nelson, a Yale University graduate, turned toward interior design like many of his peers.

From the mid 1930’s throughout the 1940’s, Nelson held several positions at various design-related publications, including first associate editor of “Architectural Forum.” During this time, he stood firmly for the founding principles of modernism and denounced the “selling out” of many so-called modernists to the growing presence of commercialism. But it was also during this time when, in 1945, he became head designer for Herman Miller, a furniture company based in Zeeland, MI'
(info source

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