Saturday, April 30, 2011

hello name is Tanya (also known as Mum, John's daughter, James' wife, Rachel's stepmum, Josh's mum, Toby's mum and Indigo's mum!)

I am part-owner of The Candy Tree, a small business creating gorgeous childrens parties, that a friend and I started last year. For 10 years prior to that I worked as a freelance graphic designer, working with small businesses to develop brands, build websites and design logos, business stationery and marketing material.

I love my family, I love coffee and I love design... I have for as long as I can remember...especially classic, timeless design... simple and stylish...that which sits as comfortably (and is as appreciated as much) today as as it did at the time of original it last year or 100 years ago.

This year my youngest started school full-time, so I have taken the opportunity to return to TAFE to continue my studies in interior design, and I have created this blog to journal my projects and all the beautiful things I discover!

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