Tuesday, June 14, 2011

{style file} philosophy winter collection 2011

today my lovely friend Andy gave me a catalogue from office works featuring their exclusive 'philosophy' winter collection.

it has the most gorgeous styling by Jason Grant...I definately recommend popping into officeworks just to grab a copy! x

Friday, May 27, 2011

{creative kids} seedling

Seedling (featured here in a Resene Paint ad) is just gorgeous...here's what they say on their home page...

'Seedling is all about giving kids the opportunity to explore their world and their abilities.  A child's natural instinct is to get involved, give anything a go, think creatively and ask questions.  Seedling creates kits to nurture this process and engage young minds, planting ideas that grow a passion for creative thinking.  So get out there, give it a go and remember; it's the experience, not the end result, that is the most valuable thing you can give your kids.'

and I couldn't agree more!

Monday, May 23, 2011

{style file} design sponge

design*sponge is a blog I have really enjoyed exploring...there are sneek peaks at designers homes, product guides, mini trends, DIY, and one of my favourite bits... a collection of makeovers from readers...I love this one of an entrance...

...soothing base colours with little splashes of colour and asymmetry that to bring it to life...I especially love the blue door and the vintage sign hanging above it!

Friday, May 20, 2011

{stylist} deb mclean

Love the flooring...but love the styling more!!

I spotted these gorgeous images at Deb McLean's blog, busybeingfabulous earlier this week and wanted to share... They are from a Doswell & McLean shoot for Harper & Sandilands, of their new flooring range.

I've mentioned Deb McLean before (in my first interior styling project)...I love her styling and aspire to be like her when I grow up (haha, I'm probably older than her!!!!)

There's a great interview with her over at designisborn and you can view her gorgeous portfolio at her website http://www.debmclean.com/

And here's something I just discovered over at decor8 (this is especially for those of you who say you can't do your styling assignment properly because you don't have the right camera...) guess what camera Deb has used to take the following pics...

her iphone camera!! yep...an iphone camera!
(so no excuses girls!)

Tanya x

Thursday, May 19, 2011

{study update}

Another busy week! I can't believe it's Thursday again already... where do the days go?

Tech drawing - blah... I know I need to understand it, but it's really not my favourite thing to do...

Interior Solutions - part one of the getaway project is due next week...created my mood board in class, I really enjoy doing those...lots of fun flicking through magazines and finding inspiration! Finished my layout and location research last week...so I think it's just a case of pulling it all together for presentation! Here's a quick peek at my mood board so far...

Soft Furnishing - this week I finished and handed in my window treatment assignment (forgot to take photos though...so will have to share when I get them back next week!)

2D design - I think I've finished project 2 - design a vinyl wrap for a laptop...will post the full project in another post...but here's a little looksee at the development...

But what I am most excited about is my magazine spread for interior styling...I am really loving styling... but can't decide between country and retro for this project, so I've done two shoots...here's where I'm at so far...what do you think?

bright, bold and retro...

or relaxed country?

hmmm...and then this way or the other way?

...so...back to work...busy busy!!

{design blogs} miss mustard seed

what a lovely blog...so many gorgeous images...here are a few of my favourites

love the vintage fan and books

love the contrast of the shiny gold and distressed finishes...and very cool vintage camera

a simple enamel jug filled with greenery atop a set of distressed drawers...colours, the angle of the shot and the contrast against the light background...just lovely!

beautiful close up shot of one of Marian's pieces

and what is there not to love about green apples?

...it has a union jack!! need I say more?

well worth a visit!!